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Music Migration Plan


Recently, I wanted to migrate songs from QQ Music and NetEase Cloud Music to Spotify. I encountered some problems as many music apps have implemented restrictions to prevent migration. For example, most of them do not support directly exporting text playlists, and QQ Music's mobile app has even removed the sharing link feature (which can still be accessed on the computer).

Below, I will introduce a simple method that can be used by those who do not need to migrate. It is also a good choice to save your favorite songs as an Excel backup.

Getting Playlist IDs#

Getting NetEase Cloud Music Song IDs#

For NetEase Cloud Music, simply click on "My Favorites" or the playlist you created, click on "Share Playlist," and copy the link to a place where you can input text. Here is an example of the copied content:

Playlist "My Favorite Music" created by Lingchenyidianhuanbushui: (from @NetEase Cloud Music)

The numbers after playlist?id= correspond to your playlist ID, which is what we need. The numbers after userid= and creatorId= are your NetEase Cloud ID, which we don't need.

Getting QQ Music Song IDs#

For QQ Music, you need to use the desktop version. In the QQ Music client, enter a playlist, click on "Share," and copy the link. (For friends who don't have a playlist or want to export all songs from "My Favorites," you can go to "My Favorites," click on "Batch Operations," and then add them to a new playlist, which can then be shared.)

The shared link from QQ Music is obfuscated, as shown below, and we cannot determine the playlist ID from it:

We need to open it in a browser, and then the obfuscated content will be revealed and transformed into the following form:

The final number is your playlist ID.

Exporting Playlist as Plain Text#

Next, go to this website:

This is a frontend interface created by a master that allows batch exporting of NetEase Cloud Music and QQ Music playlists as plain text. The export format is as follows:

Song Name 1 - Artist Name 1
Song Name 2 - Artist Name 2
Song Name n - Artist Name n

Some users have provided feedback that they do not want the exported playlist to include artist names. This can be achieved by using the "Find and Replace" function in Notepad++ or VSCode, using regular expressions to replace \s-\s.* with a space.

Importing to the Target Music Platform#

After exporting, copy the content and go to the music conversion website:

  1. In the first step, select "Any Text" as the source and paste the copied content.
  2. In the second step, select the target music platform and log in.
  3. Wait for the import to complete.
  4. After the import is finished, check the playlist on the imported music platform. The "Myplaylist" playlist is the imported playlist.
  5. Check for any songs that were not successfully imported (these songs are usually not available on the target platform) and make a note of them.
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